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May 17th, 2018

  • Search algorithm tweaks: Phrase matches (aka multi word exact matches) are now boosted more than previously
  • Started indexing meta description tags by default. Previously this was behind a setting.
  • Changed Search API to return 429 Too Many Requests if the rate-limit is exceeded (previously 503 Service Unavailable)
  • Implemented wildcard prefix search (zoo matching bazooka). Contact us to get it enabled.
  • Fixed the way how addsearch-boost meta tag works. Now it’s identical to Site area rules
  • Statistics: “Popular Keywords”, “No Click Keywords” and other keyword lists respect the selected date range from now on
  • Removed the “suid” cookie that was previously added by our search field (for GDPR compliance)

April 18th, 2018

  • Increased the number of admin users in each plan. Users can be managed on Dashboard’s “Users” page
    • Small plan can have up to 2 admin users
    • Large plan can have up to 5 admin users
    • Enterprise plan can have as many admin users as needed

April 13th, 2018

  • Invoice receipts are now listed on Dashboard’s Billing page
  • Added a possibility to pass the keyword to the target page in a query parameter. For example, typing a keyword “contact information”, and clicking a result, could take the user to domain.com/contact?kw=contact+information. This information can be used to customize the target page per keyword, or for analytics purposes
  • Fixed a problem with paging on the Separate results page. Because of this bug, paging links disappeared occasionally from the last results page
  • Improved paging’s accessibility with screen readers

March 29st, 2018

  • Added possibility to change search results order from relevance to date on Search Widget. Similar setting existed for traditional results page already
  • Fixed category filters when AND and OR parts were combined. E.g. categories=1xfoo/2xbar,1xbaz will return results from /foo/bar/ or /baz/
  • Plenty of infrastucture related work as usage is growing hugely

March 21st, 2018

  • User management tool added to the Dashboad. You can use it to add and remove users who can access your account
  • Added support for content-disposition header to capture the file name of indexed file (pdf, doc, ppt)
  • New setting to the results page: number_of_results to define, well, number of results to show
  • Fix to Dashboard’s Billing page: An error was shown if the user had logged in to Recurly at the same time as visiting our billing page
  • Adjusted search algorithm with exact phrase matches. The phrase “sounds good” scores better than “sounds” in title and “good” in body.
  • Beta version of global synonyms released to Enterprise customers
  • Search API: Fixed an issue with the keyword “NOT” in fuzzy queries
  • Analytics: Added support for a custom JavaScript function instead of the Google Tag Manager’s default function (dataLayer.push)
  • Added a new data attribute to search results without a featured main image. By default, a magnifying glass image is shown. Use the following CSS snippet to change the placeholder image:
    [data-addsearch-image="no-image"] {
      background-image: url( new-image.jpg ) !important;

February 7th, 2018

  • Improved typo-tolerance rolled out to Separate results page. See an example: suppr
  • Logic change with PDF search in multilingual sites: If a PDF file doesn’t have language information, the file matches to search queries in any language. Previously a file without language information didn’t match at all if a language filter was enabled.

January 30th, 2018

  • Launched beta support to index Word and PowerPoint documents (ppt, pptx, doc, docx). This feature is part of our Plus package
  • Added possibility to change the date range when viewing reports on Dashboard’s Statistics page
  • Added possibility to expand keyword lists to see more search terms on Dashboard’s Statistics page
  • Big performance boost to the statistics infra
  • Added a new setting to Dashboard’s Settings page: URL parameters to ignore. This can be used to remove dynamic parameters, like ?userid=
  • Fixed an issue where company name was not shown on invoice correctly
  • Fixed an issue with multidomain setup where primary domain’s robots.txt file affected crawling other domains
  • Migrated away from Symantec’s SSL certificates

December 20th, 2017

  • Accent insensitive search (e.g. áüö = auo) is enabled by default for all new customers. Old customers can contact us to get it enabled.
  • Search queries match to document URLs from now on. With small weight though.
  • A new way to filter search results is launched to beta: From now on you can filter by meta category with category filters. Previously only URL based filtering was possible.
  • Search results page got a new setting: default_sortby can be used to change the default search result order from relevancy to date.

December 15th, 2017

  • Added Portuguese translations to search results views (thanks Carlos!)
  • Meta categories are now returned with the search results in Search API. Data type is array containing meta tag’s content split by slash (/).
  • New setting to index texts of internal links. For example in the element <a href=”/contact”>Contact us</a> the text “Contact us” is not indexed by default, as it is relevant only to the target page. Contact us to enable this setting.

December 5th, 2017

  • Added possibility to test Separate results page on the public demo page. Check out our own demo to see an example.
  • Added possible meta keywords and meta description fields to Dashboard’s Index tools section.

November 29th, 2017

  • Added highly requested feature to show Meta description instead of the standard highlight text in search results. Contact us to enable this setting.
  • Added a possibility to index meta descriptions and get them back with the search results in Search API as well.
  • Search API send events to statistics now. Our analytics dashboard won’t show API searches as clicks, since it’s not known which result was actually clicked

November 15th, 2017

  • Added an optional “fuzzy” parameter to the Search API. Fuzzy queries match also words that are close to the exactly defined keyword
  • Screen captures and main images are saved with 2x resolution for better experience on Retina screens. Please notice that image links returned by the Search API might contain 1x and 2x images now
  • The next version of the Widget view (see the November 9th’s update) is now default for all new accounts. Old users can enable the updated Widget through our support

November 9th, 2017

    • The next version of the Widget view is making good progress. Main focus areas are:
      • Experience on mobile devices
      • Accessibility and keyboard navigation

Try out the new version on the top right corner of this page. Let us know if you want to try out the new version on your website.

October 28th, 2017

  • Added boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to Widget view and Separate results page, as they were already supported by the Search API. Now you can search for example:
    • features AND pricing
    • features OR pricing
    • features AND NOT pricing

October 22th, 2017

  • Added possibility to define page’s relative importance with a meta tag, along with the normal Site area rules
  • Rolled out new geolocations to serve our search UI. We’re working hard to keep our infrastructure fast and fault tolerant in the future as well

October 12th, 2017

October 10th, 2017

October 4th, 2017

  • Our revamped WordPress plugin is out now. The plugin has now support for both Widget view and Separate results page view
  • Added an optional parameter “limit” to Search API to control the number of search results returned per page

October 3rd, 2017

  • Added possibility to get search results sorted by date or relevance in Search API
  • Improved accessibility and fixed minor paging issues in Separate results page. So keyboard navigation works now and paging issues, that occurred occasionally when no search results were found, got fixed
  • Added possibility to disable og:image cropping, so for example heads are not chopped out from portrait images
  • Continued to ramp-up crawler infrastructure to answer the increased demand

September 19th, 2017

September 8th, 2017

  • Fixed back button behaviour in Separate results page
  • Squeezed a few bugs from the Dashboard. E.g. Hidden keywords were failing with Firefox and Index tools’ URL validation was not up to par
  • Moved crawler infrastructure to a beefier environment for quicker indexing

September 1st, 2017

  • Added documents’ categories to the JSON returned by the Search API. You can use the category information to filter search results with our categories parameter
  • Improved the way that embedded SVGs are handled (meaning ignored..) by our crawler

August 22nd, 2017

  • Improved the way SKUs are detected. If you have problems finding your products with the identification code, Contact us

August 17th, 2017

  • Added support for language information in PDF files when multilingual search is enabled
  • Launched beta version of accent insensitive search (e.g. uan would match úáň). Contact us if you want to give it a try

August 14th, 2017

August 1st, 2017

July 28th, 2017

June 22nd, 2017

June 7th, 2017

May 29th, 2017

thinking person