Search Tailored for B2B catalogues

Search Tailored for B2B catalogues

esab website search

Help users find relevant products or documentation

It can be hard to find information on a large website with thousands of products and documents. A good search helps your visitors to navigate easier on your website.

Guide your current customers to documentation and direct people who are looking to buy to the most suitable products in your catalog.

Fast track from idea to implementation

Your business deserves a site search that provides accurate search results without putting excessive strain on scarce IT resources.

With AddSearch, you can have a fully custom-made search that matches your website within a few days from the initial project idea.

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Custom-made B2b site search for your specific needs

Manage Search Results
Manage Search Results
Guide website visitors to the pages that matter the most with our search result management system.
  • Adjust ranking of individual pages or entire site sections
  • Typo tolerance, Synonyms and Stemming
Analyze Search Intent
Analyze Search Intent
Your website is your main asset. Uncover what your visitors are searching for with site search analytics:
  • Popular keywords
  • Keywords that do not return any results
  • Keywords that result in low click-through rates
PDF Support
PDF Support
Your search can provide PDFs, MS Word, and PowerPoint documents in the results. Just another way to get your visitors the information they’re after!
Search in Many Languages
Search in Many Languages
When your users search, the only results displayed are those with the same language as the page they are on.
Multi-Domain Search
Multi-Domain Search
Bring together all your existing content under one search index. Include subdomains and even separate domains in the same search.
Mobile Compatible
Mobile Compatible
Incredibly fast search as you type experience across all devices

Loved by brands from all over the world

“For us, search plays a crucial role in website sales and conversion rates. Search can quickly bring potential customers to our products and even encourage a sale.”

Darrin Elkins, Global Webmaster at ESAB

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A better site search experience is right at your fingertips. Start understanding and managing your search performance today!

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