Get advantage of powerful Site Search Analytics

Get advantage of powerful Site Search Analytics

Listen to your users and give them exactly what they are asking for.

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Analyze Search Behavior

Gain valuable insight into how your users are using search. Our search analytics helps you to discover how often your users search, what they search for, and whether they find it.

Use this information to guide future content production and to give your users exactly what they are asking for.

Use Search Analytics To Understand Your Users And Guide Content Production

Popular Keywords
Popular Keywords
Understand how often visitors use search, and which terms they are searching for the most. Use this information to build your FAQ page and highlight your most searched for – and often most valuable – content.
No Click Keywords
No Click Keywords
Irrelevant results are almost as bad as no results. Use this tool to enhance your existing content, or to produce new content that answers your user’s questions more accurately.
Keywords Returning No Results
Keywords Returning No Results
Uncover the searches with no results. Use these searches to drive your future content production, as well as tagging existing pages with hidden keywords and building your synonym library.
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Keep Track of Your Search

Get simple search analytics for your site! Connect your analytics platform with AddSearch and get all your data in one place. We support Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics and Matomo as well as being able to trigger custom analytics events.

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Get started now with 14-day free trial

A better site search experience is right at your fingertips. Start understanding and managing your search performance today!

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