Engage your customers with intelligent search

Engage your customers with intelligent search

Speed, innovation, and trust are essential in the high-stakes world of finance. AddSearch helps Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) institutions reach across platforms to provide prospects and clients with reliable and secure access to services and information.

g2 leader badge winter 2022 4.7/5 stars leading performance and support

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Seamless customer experience with Custom UI showing your brand.

Upgrade legacy systems, any CMS or custom website with cutting-

edge search.

Create secure cross-platform connections with real-time, federated,

multi-site search.

Enjoy hassle-free implementation and support from an

expert team.

BFSI organizations embracing digital transformation with AddSearch:

primeway logo

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance)

gateway first bank

charles stanley logo

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance)

Monthly Annually


$129 Per month
$99 Per month
Easy-to-use and fast search solution

Key features:
– Manage Search Results
– Synonyms and Autocomplete
– Google Analytics Integration
– PDF, DOC and PPT files

start a free trial


$649 Per month
$499 Per month
Advanced search solution for websites and ecommerce

Key features:
– Everything in Professional
– Ranking Tools, Personalization and Auto Synonyms
– Our devs and designers build your unique Search UI
– SLA & Priority Support

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Fully-tailored solution for the enterprise

Key features:
– Everything in Premium
– Custom Commercial Terms
– Multiple Search Indices
– Fully Customizable

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Value generating search for BFSIs

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Get full implementation support

Let our experts use their knowledge to make search work for you, from interface design and coding all the way through implementation, so your experts can focus on your customers.

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Decrease support costs

AddSearch makes information accessible to clients, helping them answer their questions with FAQs, and find documentation, forms, and digital services, relieving pressure on resource personnel.

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Understand your customers

Give visitors a tailored search experience that fulfills their search intent. Use detailed filtering, exact match, and custom ranking to offer timely, relevant services and information.


image shows report data that 43% of bfsi businesses prioritize increasing customer engagement


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intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) TRUST

Protect data with secure, compliant, and reliable search

Your brand reputation depends on your customers and regulators knowing that data is safe and secure with you. AddSearch minimizes your digital risks through encryption, redundancy, and distributed data centers. Our team is on call for you from inception to administration, whenever you need us.

Secure storage


Both in transit and storage, your data is protected with the same level of encryption that banks use.

Reliable support and service


AddSearch sets a high bar for service uptime with an SLA of up to 99.999% and prompt availability of support because your clients count on you.

Seamless service


We use secure data centers to ensure redundancies and guarantee that your users always get results at lightning-fast speeds.

Authorized content


AddSearch can crawl and index even content hidden behind a firewall or login requirement, but filter access to keep it secure.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) ACCURACY

Help your visitors find information faster with a 2x lower Average Click Position

AddSearch’s intelligent search can automatically adjust rankings, lowering ACP by up to two times over average. This means your visitors get their needs met faster. Your clients should never lose out because of inaccurate or missing search results.  AddSearch shows accurate information for any kind of query — product and service information, support, articles, events, and more. 


Real-time search results


Show results while visitors type so they can easily find what they’re looking for.

Self-learning algorithm


AddSearch’s AI-powered search scans visitor behavior patterns and optimizes the search results automatically.

Typo tolerance, synonyms, and stemming


Site visitors always find what they’re looking for even with a typo or a synonym. Enabling synonyms can boost CTR by 10%.

Rank pages and adjust weights


Take control of your search and move pages up or down in the rankings based on what you want clients and prospects to see.


intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) CUSTOMIZATION

Engage clients with a personal experience

Customize your customer experience with an open and flexible site search tool that you can scale, extend, and optimize to encompass all your solutions.

Works for any kind of search


Faceted search, advanced search, or even a general content search can get visitors to the right place on your site.

Display results in 20+ different languages


Serve your clients in their language for a more accessible experience with multi-language support.

Cross-platform search


Show results from various sites, support desks, databases, and more — in one search.

Show various files formats in your results


Share application forms, new regulations, and other documentation in formats such as PDF, MS Word, and PowerPoint.


intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) GROWTH

Expand your client base through engagement and insights

AddSearch is designed to turn searches into inquiries and sign-ups. It removes the friction in site search, so your visitors quickly find all the information they need about the services you offer and sign up for them.

Help clients find services


Build an intuitive and extensive search that can help prospects find the right information and sign up quickly and seamlessly.

Optimize your customer experience


See what visitors are looking for and what they’re having trouble finding with advanced reporting and insights, so you can tailor your offering.

Promote services, events, and current information


Add banners, pin results, and more, to drive more traffic to the pages you need to promote.

Maximise your ROI


Our data shows that using more than 3 AddSearch features gives our customers a click-through rate (CTR) that is 25% higher than average, increasing their conversions.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) ANALYTICS

Deliver better search results with data

Get valuable insights into how your visitors use the search on your website. Leverage data to draw insights and optimize the search experience.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) Identify search trends
Track popular searches and keywords to build relevant information pages and FAQs.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) Optimize your content
Review irrelevant results to enhance existing content and create new content that matches search queries more accurately.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) Improve the results
Identify searches with no results to optimize content, tag existing pages or build your synonym library.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) Enhance your offerings
Engage clients with a tailored experience, based on real-time analysis of the services and information they search for.

keywords analytics

Enjoy total customer support

You need to make sure you’re delivering amazing search experiences. That’s why we have round-the-clock technical support and search expertise on standby in case you need help with anything such as implementation and customization.

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intelligent site search

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) DEVELOPER TOOLS

Reimagine the possibilities

AddSearch gives you the freedom to build the best search experiences. Create unique result pages, queries for related content, search functionality for mobile apps, and more.

Get up and running with no developer assistance.

Schedule a quick 45-minute strategy call with our search experts and we’ll show you how to improve your website search with AddSearch. After the call, we’ll get you up and running within just a few weeks, with no developer resources required on your side.

Request my free demo

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) With AddSearch, we see keywords, CTRs, most popular keywords and no-hit keywords. We improved search results and within a few weeks CTR has increased 2-3 times.

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance)

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance) I was immediately impressed with its lightning-fast (as you type) results. Even more impressive was the company’s dedication to making sure the product met my exact needs.”

intelligent site search for bfsis (banking, financial services & insurance)

g2 leader badge winter 2022 4.7/5 stars leading performance and support
Site search is one of the most used features of a website — do you really want yours to be underpowered?

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