Best site search examples: why more than 1,800 businesses and organizations love AddSearch

Best site search examples: why more than 1,800 businesses and organizations love AddSearch

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site search examples around the globe

Join global brands from all over the world

AddSearch is used every day by happy users on thousands of websites, ranging from SMBs to large corporations and public organizations.

Our customers come from all over the world; from North America and Europe to Asia and Australia.

Here, we have included great site search examples that you can use to get inspiration from to set up your own.

Explore Examples of Search Solutions Built with AddSearch

AddSearch is used on thousands of websites to guide visitors to the relevant search results. Here are the best examples of effective site search implementations with AddSearch.

nintex's advanced site search example

Nintex’s Advanced Search

Take a look at Nintex’s advanced search implementation.

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barracuda site search example

Barracuda’s Fast Search Widget

Take a look at Barracuda’s search widget implementation.

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point loma nazarene university site search example

30% higher search engagement

After implementing AddSearch, Point Loma Nazarene University’s search use is up 30%.

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Search as a key to ESAB’s sales growth

Find out how ESAB improves their website conversions with search.

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homey search

Homey’s Intuitive Search

Homey used API to create a beautiful search-as-you-type solution.

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vaadin's search

Vaadin’s Search-as-you-type Solution

Vaadin built a custom search with AddSearch API.

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robert gordon university search

Robert Gordon University

Robert Gordon University saw a 30% increase in traffic to the course pages and the new search played a major role in this.

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picture of search user interface.

Harper Adams University

Harper Adams University easily implemented site search with a new website launch.

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picture of carnival cruise's search user interface.

Better Site Search for Carnival

Find out how Carnival improved their site search experience.

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gemini computers search

Gemini Computers Ecommerce

Gemini Computers built a custom ecommerce search with Search UI library.

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picture that shows ebu's search user interface with the search field, search results and searh filters.

EBU’s Multi-domain Site Search

Read more about the European Broadcasting Union’s multi-domain search.

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Agency Karhu Helsinki

Half a dozen of Karhu Helsinki’s sites are currently running AddSearch.

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picture that shows ebu's search user interface with the search field, search results and searh filters.

Soka University: Seamless Discovery Across Multiple Domains

Learn how Soka University of America improved their site navigation and information access with AddSearch

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